Students of the Faculty of Medicine of the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakovë organized the awareness campaign on diabetes

Students of the Faculty of Medicine of the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakovë organized the awareness campaign on diabetes

In the framework of the International Day against Diabetes, with the initiative of the Student Parliament and the Student Council of the Faculty of Medicine, an awareness campaign was held on diabetes disease. Students of the 1st and 2nd year of the Faculty of Medicine, from all study programs, offered free services to the citizens of the Municipality of Gjakova.

Hundreds of citizens received services such as:

- Measurement of Arterial Pressure and

- Glicemia measurement

Also, the students have distributed brochures which contained advice about diabetes as well

Information on the symptoms of this disease.

Enjoying the opportunity given to be close to citizens and offer services to them, students thank the Management of UFAGj for financing this activity, the Faculty of Medicine for the support and especially the students who are always ready to perform

such activities aimed at community service.
