Cooperation between the university and health service providers continues
Students of the physiotherapy program from the Faculty of Medicine at University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova had the opportunity to visit the National Center of Occupational Medicine in Gjakovë. During this visit, students together with their teachers Prof. Ass. Dr. Arben Boshnjaku and Ass. Dr. Bylbyl Kadrijaj MD, who is also the cardiologist of this center, were introduced with the organization and functionality of this specialized tertiary level health care center, along with what is offered in this unique institution for workers and citizens who receive services from there.
What was noticed by those present in this center was the presence of the latest modern equipment and technologies which significantly facilitate the diagnostic processes in order to make the most professional and scientific decision-making outcomes for the health of the recipients of services.
The ongoing collaborations that UFAGJ conducts with all health institutions in our country are aimed at preparing today's students in the most professional, scientific and contemporary knowledge-based way possible, in order to allow them to steadily turn into the exemplary professionals of the future, the white coats that are ready to adapt to the needs and dynamics of the labor market. At the end of this academic year, it is expected that the first graduates of UFAGJ will be added to the labor market in the unique health fields such as physiotherapy and public health, in which case our country will have more young and highly skiller professionals ready to be involved in the industry. health services. The ongoing collaborations between academia (university) and industry (hospitals, clinics and health centers) aim to continuously adapt the way and form of education according to the demands and needs of the labor market not only locally but also internationally.