Informing Session on the Fulbright Faculty Development Program for the Academic year 2025-2026

Informing Session on the Fulbright Faculty Development Program for the Academic year 2025-2026

American Councils for International Education, in the name of USKEB, organize the future online informing session this Friday, on September 13, by starting from 10:00 o’clock. This event will be held through the online zoom platform (, Meeting ID:89795724322), and it will be a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the Fulbright Faculty Development Program for the 2025-2026 academic year.

Bashkim Preteni, from the Faculty of Law at the University of Prishtina will be present to share his experience. This is a good opportunity for all participants to listen to and be inspired from someone who has already walked the path which you are thinking of choosing.

The Fulbright Faculty Development Program has been created for the members of the Faculty that are actually teaching in Kosovo to travel towards the United States for a five-month period. The purpose of the program is to present the participants with the best practices and theoretical approaches for the curriculum development in USA, and to offer them a concrete strategy on how to develop the curriculum and a course, including a mirror of the academic research sources. During the program, the participants will research and develop a course description and a program plan, as well as describe specific teaching strategies for their proposed course.

If you are interested in the program but cannot join us for this webinar, to learn more about the program’s eligibility requirements and how to apply, please visit: Programi i Zhvillimit të Fakultetit Fulbright - Ambasada e SHBA-së në Kosovë (  

(Online Application) 2025/2026 for the Fulbright Faculty Development Program is now open and will be available until September 30, 2024.

The potential candidates must orient all their questions to the Program Coordinator Nora Nimani-Musa in [email protected], and telephone nr: +38338226225.

This is a joint program of the US Department of State and the Government of Kosovo.
