In the Faculty of Medicine was held a Lecture in the Unit of the Diabetic Foot
On December 11, 2024, in the premises of the Faculty of Medicine, with the initiative of the Students’ Parliament, the second-year student in the Public Health Program Ajshe Ukshini and Prof. Antigona Ukëhaxhaj, held a lecture in the Unit of the Diabetic Foot, which is placed in this faculty.
First-year students of the Public Health Program had the opportunity to get to know closely with the work and the practices of students done every year in this unit from the Professors of the Faculty of Medicine and students, where they learn on multidisciplinary team work, the role of health education in patients with diabetes, and services that students offer to patients in this very unit.
The interest of the Public Health students was high, which makes us be proud for their commitment and for providing services to the community, their professional capacity increase, continuous education and work opportunities in the mutual triangle staff-student-patient.