Rector Bunjaku participated in the next meeting of the GRIS group within the framework of the largest European University Association (EUA), in Brussels.
The Rector of the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova, Prof. Ass. Dr. Drilon Bunjaku, participated in the meeting of the Group for The Research and Innovation Strategy (GRIS) in regards to the Association of the European Universities (AEU), which was held in Brussels.
This meeting, organized in the premises of the EAU office, aimed the discussion of the future priorities of research and innovation in Europe, as well as the exchange of the viewpoints on the future financial framework of EU and FP10 program. During the discussions was emphasized the importance of the role of universities in the development of the new politics for research and innovation, as well as their active inclusion in the formation of the European agenda for the increase of the competitiveness of the European Universities. The participation of the Rector Bunjaku in this meeting, reflects the commitment of the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova to be an active part of the academic and research development at the European level, contributing this in the strengthening of the capacities for research and innovation of the universities.
The University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova will continue to attend and contribute to international platforms of higher education and scientific research, with the aim of strengthening collaborations and creating new opportunities for students and academic staff.