The University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova celebrates its 12th Anniversary

The University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova celebrates its 12th Anniversary

The University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova celebrates the 12th anniversary of its foundation, on which occasion a cocktail was organized. In his speech, the Rector Bunjaku expresses his great thanks for all those who have contributed for the development of the University during these years. He thanked the members of the Steering Council, Vice-rectors, Senators, Deans, Vice-deans, the academic and administrative staff, members of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Board and, representatives of the Intellectuals’ Association ‘’Jakova’’, as well as students for their engagement and participation in this important event.

The Rector emphasized that this anniversary is not only a moment of celebration, but also one of reflection on the achievements and challenges that have been overcome. He put a special emphasis on the significant development of this year for the university, including the start of building the University Campus, which is actually at the foundation level for the Faculty of Medicine premises. This project is a huge step for capacity building and academic infrastructure of the University.

Another important achievement is also the increase of the position of the University in the international ranking list of Webometrics, wherein UFAGJ has advanced for 5685 positions higher, a result which demonstrates the increase of academic and research quality of the institution. Likewise, during an entire year, the University has been in the final stage of the accreditation process of 7 programs of study, including the establishment of new programs, as it is for instance, Engineering Informatics Program, and the functionalization of the Faculty of the Applied Sciences.

In the internationalization aspect, the University has applied in more than 10 new Erasmus projects, opening thus opportunities for academic exchange and cooperation with other international educational and research institutions. This is an excellent opportunity for the students and the academic staff to be part of the international networks and to contribute further in the development of the pathways of knowledge.

In addition, there has also been implemented a new electronic attendance system in order to monitor the participation of students in the learning process. This system aims the improvement of the management of students’ commitment and the ensuring of more effective academic activities.

For all these achievements, the Rector Bunjaku expressed his special thanks to all those who have contributed either directly or indirectly in these mutual successes, as well as for the members of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Board, who provided continuous support for the recommendations and updates of the programs of study and for the increase of the academic quality. He also emphasized the importance of students, stating that they are one of the key pillars of the functioning of the University, and that their requirements for knowledge and commitment in scientific research are those that motivate the academic staff to always contribute more in the improvement of the quality and the programs of study.




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