The well-known violinist Shkëlzen Doli pays a visit to the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova

The well-known violinist Shkëlzen Doli pays a visit to the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova

The well-known violinist Shkëlzen Doli has brought to Gjakova the second edition of the festival, “Gjakova Summer Fest”. For three nights in a row (August 23, 24, 25), the most prominent artists of Gjakova and not only, with the main aim of preserving the cultural values ​​and traditions of the city, have performed in front of the public in the Old Bazaar of Gjakova and in the Cultural Park “Ali Podrimja”.

During his stay in Gjakova, the violinist Doli also visited the University “Fehmi Agani” in Gjakova. He was welcomed by the Rector Prof. Asst. Dr. Drilon Bunjaku, accompanied by the Vice-Rector Prof. Asst. Dr. Nazli Tyfekçi-Vice-rector for International Cooperation and Projects, General Secretary, Mrs.Linda Dula Halilabazi and U.D. Dean at the Faculty of Philology Prof. Dr. Sindorela Doli Kryeziu.

Welcoming him, Rector Bunjaku introduced the world-famous violinist Shkëlzen Doli to the premisës of the Rectorate and the ongoing work of the University. During the visit, Maestro Shkëlzen Doli expressed special interest in the activities and academic achievements of the University “Fehmi Agani” in Gjakova, stressing the importance of supporting culture and education in the development of society.

This meeting reinforced the links between culture and education and highlighted the University’s commitment to promote commitment in these two areas. The University “Fehmi Agani” in Gjakova appreciates such visits, which help strengthen relations and promote cultural and academic activities in the region.

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