A novel occupational therapy approach is taught to the physiotherapy students
Students of the entry level physiotherapy program at the Faculty of Medicine (University “Fehmi Agani” in Gjakova) have had the chance to hear a presentation host by Mr. Fatos Beqiri MSc Pt, MA PA and Health. Mr Beqiri is a Kosovo born physiotherapist that resides in Germany and works at the at the Institute for Occupational Medicine, University Clinic Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lubeck, Germany.
Together with the subject lecturer Arben Boshnjaku the interactive lecture involved the presentation of professional experiences from the two different perspectives of respective countries, academic and professional approaches, the integration of evidence based practices into clinical and scientific practices, as well as the educational system and post-diplomic professional and academic developments provided from the perspective of an occupational medicine physiotherapist.
In the end participants shared ideas and own experiences, critically evaluated the differences and potentials from the existing varieties, pros and cons of occupational therapy in Germany and Kosovo, as well as applicability of good scientific practices into Kosovo context together with their further integration into our local and regional healthcare system.