“SUSWELL” Project Management Meeting
Today, March 17, 2022, a meeting of the “SUSWELL” project management was held. The only topic of discussion was the course of the project and the decisions of the Erasmus+ National Offices, considering that in this project we also have 3 participating universities from the Russian Federation.
The Netherlands, Belgium and Finland stated that they have been advised to discontinue all cooperation with partners from the Russian Federation. Denis Spahija, project coordinator within the University “Fehmi Agani” in Gjakova, stated that they agree with the decisions of Erasmus+ and are ready to continue the project without partners from Russia. He also expressed that he would not like to change these views in 21st century Europe, especially when the memories of what happened a few years ago are still fresh for the Albanians of Kosovo, but he also informed the partners that the activities of the UFAGJ are expressing support for Ukraine and sending the call "No to war, peace".
For the time being, it was agreed to continue the activities of the partners from Kosovo with the European partners, excluding from any activity with partners from the Russian Federation.
The University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova is represented at the ECLSS12 Conference in Turkey
The SUSWELL project's final meeting at the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova
The representative of ESSA University in SUSWELL project Prof. Rosado, visits the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’
SUSWELL Project holds full consortium meeting at University “Fehmi Agani” Gjakova
SUSWELL Project in Lisbon
A meeting is held with CoP Gjakova within the SUSWELL project
A workshop within the SUSWELL Project is held
A virtual meeting with CoP Gjakova takes place
The next meeting within the SUSWELL project is held
In the run-up to regular meetings with the SUSWELL project, the next meeting is held in virtual terms
Next meeting under SUSWELL project is held
Representatives of the Erasmus + Office in Kosovo visited the University "Fehmi Agani"
The next meeting with the SUSWELL project management team is held
A virtually meeting for the SUSWELL project is held
The virtual meeting of the SUSWELL project is held
Virtual meeting with the SUSWELL Project is held at the University of Gjakova
Acknowledgments are given to the Erasmus + Office in Kosovo