The Rector of UFAGJ, Drilon Bunjaku, participates in the next meeting of the Conference of Rectors of Higher Education
Today, the Rector of the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova, Prof.Ass.Dr. Drilon Bunjaku, participated in the next Rectors’ Conference of the Public Higher Education institutions, held in the Rectorate of the University of Prishtina.
During this meeting, the Rectors of the public universities of Kosovo selected Arben Hajrullahu, the Rector of the University of Prishtina, as head of the Rectors’ Conference, while deputy head, with no votes against, was selected Mentor Alishani, the Rector of the University of Prizren ‘’Ukshin Hoti’’.
Rector Hajrullahu's mandate as chair of the Conference is one year, while the Rectors' Conference functions based on administrative instructions issued by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
Apart from the rector of the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova, Drilon Bunjaku, present in the conference were also other rectors, such as the rector of the University of Prishtina Arben Hajrullahu, the rector of the University of Prizren ‘’Ukshin Hoti’’ Mentor Alishani, Agron Bajraktari, rector of the University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj, Artan Dermaku, rector of the University of Gjilan ‘’Kadri Zeka’’ Armand Krasniqi, the rector of the University of Peja ‘’Haxhi Zeka, and Mihane Kerolli, rector of the International Public Business College in Mitrovica.