Prof. Ass. Dr. Arben Boshnjaku
Profesor Asistent
- Tel:
- Email: [email protected]
- Biografia - CV - Shqip
Punimet shkencore të publikuara në platformat Scopus dhe Web of Science.
Titulli i punimit | Viti | Linku |
Diagnosing sarcopenia in clinical practice: international guidelines vs. population-specific cutoff criteria | 2024 | Linku |
Association between vitamin D status, physical performance, sex, and lifestyle factors: a cross-sectional study of community-dwelling Kosovar adults aged 40 years and older | 2024 | Linku |
Association between the walking speed, cademice, cycle length with words per minute and anthropometric parameters | 2023 | Linku |
Chronic Pain in Older Adults Is a Multidimensional Process That Should be Dealt Accordingly | 2023 | Linku |
Injuries in professional women’s elite soccer players in Kosovo: epidemiological injury study | 2023 | Linku |
Early physiotherapy rehabilitation of the distal tibia and fibula fractures after fixation – a case report | 2023 | Linku |
Predicting Risk Factors of Lower Extremity Injuries in Elite Women’s Football: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | 2023 | Linku |
Improving the Evidence-Based Practice Skills of Entry-Level Physiotherapy Students through Educational Interventions: A Scoping Review of Literature | 2023 | Linku |
Bone/Muscle Interaction as a Good Biomarker for Lifespan and Quality | 2022 | Linku |
Is age-related sarcopenia a real concern for my developing country? | 2022 | Linku |
Impact of Using Population-Specific Cut-Points, Self-Reported Health, and Socio-Economic Parameters to Predict Sarcopenia: A Cross-Sectional Study in Community-Dwelling Kosovans Aged 60 Years and Older | 2022 | Linku |
Test-retest reliability data of functional performance, strength, peak torque and body composition assessments in two different age groups of Kosovan adults | 2021 | Linku |
Actn3 genotypes and their relationship with muscle mass and function of Kosovan adults | 2021 | Linku |
Association between polymorphisms in vitamin d pathway-related genes, vitamin d status, muscle mass and function: A systematic review | 2021 | Linku |
Pattern and Factors Associated with Medicine Usage in Middle-aged Adults: a Population Based Cross-Sectional Stud | 2018 | Linku |
Primary hemiarthroplasty for treatment of unstable pertrochanteric femoral fractures (AO/OTA Type 31 A2.3) in elderly osteoporotic patients | 2017 | Linku |
Orari i konsultimeve:
- E hënë 10:00 – 11:00
- E premte 10:00 – 11:00
Lëndët që ligjëron:
- Fizioterapia në gerontologji dhe gjeriatri
- Fizioterapia te çrregullimet e sistemit osteomuskular
- Hyrje në metodologjinë kërkimore aplikative
- Informatika aplikative (SPSS) në shkencat e aplikuara
- Hulumtimi dhe informatika në infermieri
- Shkrim-leximi dixhital në shëndetësi
Fushat e hulumtimit
- Ndryshimet moshore në masën, forcën dhe performancën muskulore
- Gjenetika dhe inflamacioni në procesin e plakjes
- Aktiviteti fizik dhe performanca
- Plakja aktive
- Vlerësimi i sistemit skeletomuskulor (përbërja, konsistenca, ekogjeniteti) dhe definimi e kritereve diagnostike të gjendjeve geriatrike
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4343-9366
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=zRbeI1YAAAAJ&hl=en
Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57192372957
Web of Science: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/HPG-1343-2023